Latest Release

  • Repository: starbackr-com/current
  • Published on: 2023-09-17 23:35:06 UTC
  • Version Tag: v0.1.3-Alajuela
  • By: starbackr-dev
  • On GitHub: starbackr-com/current/releases

Changelog for v0.1.3-Alajuela

Homefeed: redesigned homefeed provides more space for content.

Threads: comments finally get the implementation they deserve. The context of a comment can be displayed by dragging it downwards

Images: Posts with images are now displayed in maximum size on the homefeed. In addition, you can now zoom in and out, as well as easily save images.

Image Generation DVM: You can now generate images using AI DVMs on nostr and instantly share them on your home feed. You can remix other images you find on nostr too. Beware, here be dragons; this is an alpha feature.

Data updated on: 2024-07-01 13:14 UTC