
Name Description Last Updated
advisory-db Security advisory database for Rust crates published through 2023-11-29 23:29:01
age-plugin-trezor No description provided for this repository. 2023-11-29 23:29:01
airlift Airlift framework for building REST services 2023-11-29 23:29:01
amodem Audio MODEM Communication Library in Python 2024-06-30 12:49:23
amodem-js Simplified Audio MODEM in JavaScript 2023-11-29 23:29:01
amodem-rs Audio Modem Communication Library in Rust 2023-11-29 23:29:01
arrow-ballista Apache Arrow Ballista Distributed Query Engine 2023-11-29 23:29:01
arrow-datafusion Apache Arrow DataFusion SQL Query Engine 2023-11-29 23:29:01
audiomodem-android Audio MODEM Application for Android 2023-11-29 23:29:01
awesome-rust A curated list of Rust code and resources. 2023-11-29 23:29:01
bdk A modern, lightweight, descriptor-based wallet library written in Rust! 2023-11-29 23:29:01
bitcoin Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree 2023-11-29 23:29:01
bitcoin-tutorials various how to-s to make your full node work 2023-11-29 23:29:01
bitcoin_hashes Simple library which implements a few hashes and does nothing else 2023-11-29 23:29:01
bitcoin_slices Parse Bitcoin objects without allocations 2023-11-29 23:29:01
bitcoind Utility to launch a regtest bitcoind process in a rust test 2024-01-06 07:06:03
bitcoindevkit-scripts A whole lot of scripts that use the Bitcoin Development Kit in different languages 2023-11-29 23:29:01
bitkey A self-contained read-only CD/USB stick with everything you need to perform highly secure air-gapped Bitcoin transactions. Offline cold storage made (slightly more) practical. 2023-11-29 23:29:01
bitstring A Python module to help you manage your bits 2023-11-29 23:29:01
bpb boats's personal barricade 2023-11-29 23:29:01
cairo-book The Cairo Programming Language Book, a comprehensive documentation of the Cairo 1 programming language. 2023-11-29 23:29:01
callrecorder Toy Android app to do call recording. 2023-11-29 23:29:01
centurymetadata Long-term Bitcoin Metadata Storage 2023-11-29 23:29:01
chrome-proxy Chrome application that communicates with a KeepKey (also runs as a node CLI) 2023-11-29 23:29:01
coldcard-firmware ❄️ Firmware and simulator for Coldcard Hardware Wallet 2023-11-29 23:29:01
coldcard-modcryptocurrency Micropython crypto code as independant subcomponent 2023-11-29 23:29:01
coldcore Trust-minimized Bitcoin wallet 2023-11-29 23:29:01
computer-science :mortar_board: Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science! 2023-11-29 23:29:01
configure_me A Rust library for processing application configuration easily 2023-11-29 23:29:01
course No description provided for this repository. 2023-11-29 23:29:01


No team data reported.

Data updated on: 2024-07-01 14:02 UTC