Latest Release

With v0.1.8-beta new Minibits architecture for receiving zaps and all lightning payments to addresses comes out. Realtime encrypted notifications, claim ⚡sats on wallet start 🚀

Current implementation over nostr relays has few serious set backs: - communication through relays is slow when receiving many zaps at once - notifications shown are local, triggerred only when the app is in the foreground so missing primary use case - very difficult to keep websocket connection stable on mobile device

So what is coming in v0.1.8-beta: - optional push notifications delivered even app is closed / backgrounded (off by default for new installs, enable in Settings!) - firebase messaging is used only as a data carrier. Notification shown is constructed only on device - all data encrypted to keys living on device only - ecash is never sent through notification, it is claimed by wallet on wakeup using api sending all claimable tokens as a batch over TLS, with tokens encrypted to device keys again, so that MITM or some api auth leak won't leak your ecash to an attacker - claiming fully works without notifications enabled.

What's new apart from notifications: - more logical navigation to Send / Receive based on user feedback from v0.1.7-beta giving choice to transact ecash or lightning - new recovery tool to recover wallet address only from Settings for cases, where balance recovery is not necessary, such as moving wallet to new device


Data updated on: 2024-07-01 13:14 UTC