Latest Release

  • Repository: mikedilger/gossip
  • Published on: 2024-04-23 02:13:09 UTC
  • Version Tag: v0.10.1
  • By: mikedilger
  • On GitHub: mikedilger/gossip/releases

Changes in this patch release:

  • Fixed multiple PersonList syncing bugs
  • nip46 approvals now persist
  • nip46 service works with more implementations
  • Two events with the same timestamp will no longer clobber each other in feeds
  • Broken embedded reposts will show an error (rather than an empty post)
  • About page says "gossip" now instead of "gossip-lib"
  • Relay connection reasons are only shown if Debug Statistics are turned on
  • Some log level changes

Data updated on: 2024-07-01 13:14 UTC