
Name Description Last Updated
aperture ⚡️L402 (Lightning HTTP 402) Reverse Proxy ⚡️ 2024-06-29 11:16:49
builders-guide-sample-app No description provided for this repository. 2024-02-24 01:56:15
chanleakcheck A tool to check if your lnd node was targeted by CVE-2019-12999 2023-09-28 11:06:37
chantools A loose collection of tools all somehow related to lnd and Lightning Network channels. 2024-06-29 09:08:39
docker-bitcoin-core A bitcoin-core docker image 2024-01-24 05:58:36 Building lapps, running lnd, and more 2024-06-29 00:18:22
dust-tool dust exposure tool 2023-06-22 02:09:41
etcd Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system 2023-06-22 02:01:04
falafel Go tool to generate go APIs for gRPC services for use on mobile/WASM platforms. 2023-09-04 06:55:20
faraday Lightning Channel Management & Optimization Tool 2024-06-25 10:39:44
gh-actions Vendored GitHub Action scripts 2023-06-22 02:16:30
gozmq GoZMQ is a pure Go ZMQ pubsub client implementation. 2023-06-22 02:19:34
L402 lsat protocol specification 2024-06-12 19:10:13
lightning-api No description provided for this repository. 2024-03-15 17:31:21
lightning-app An easy-to-use cross-platform Lightning wallet 2024-06-26 23:31:14
lightning-coindesk A tutorial news app exemplifying Lightning Network micropayments integration 2024-06-26 16:04:14
lightning-dev-site Lightning Network Daemon Developer Site 2023-06-22 01:53:55
lightning-faucet A faucet for the Lightning Network! 2024-05-07 01:14:44
lightning-node-connect No description provided for this repository. 2024-05-19 03:59:34
lightning-terminal Lightning Terminal: Your Home for Lightning Liquidity 2024-06-28 21:24:00 No description provided for this repository. 2024-05-30 20:42:46
lndclient Golang client library for lnd 2024-06-26 12:47:20
lndinit cloud infra tooling for lnd provisioning/unlocking 2024-05-31 14:18:48
lndmon 🔎lndmon: A drop-in monitoring solution for your lnd node using Prometheus+Grafana 2024-06-15 15:27:25
loop Lightning Loop: A Non-Custodial Off/On Chain Bridge 2024-06-28 16:33:40
lseed A DNS seed for the Lightning Network 2023-06-22 02:15:49
neutrino Privacy-Preserving Bitcoin Light Client 2024-06-28 10:39:18
pool Lightning Pool: a non-custodial batched uniform clearing-price auction for Lightning Channel Leases (LCL). An LCL packages up inbound channel liquidity (ability to receive funds) as a fixed income asset with a maturity date expressed in blocks. 2024-06-24 14:55:34
pool-paper Lightning Pool: A Non-Custodial Channel Lease Marketplace 2023-06-22 02:02:48
protobuf-hex-display Go support for Google's protocol buffers 2023-06-22 02:11:18


Handle Name
avatar alexbosworth Alex Bosworth
avatar bhandras András Bánki-Horváth
avatar ellemouton Elle
avatar GeorgeTsagk George Tsagkarelis
avatar guggero Oliver Gugger
avatar jamaljsr Jamal James
avatar Roasbeef Olaoluwa Osuntokun
avatar sputn1ck Konstantin Nick

Data updated on: 2024-07-01 14:31 UTC