
  • Info: Lightning Network peer-to-peer exchange platform on Nostr
  • Followers: 9
  • Forks: 24
  • Open Issues: 15
  • On GitHub: MostroP2P/mostro


Note, only the top 50 contributors have been included for projects that have more than 50 contributors.

Handle Name Contributions
avatar grunch Francisco Calderón 316
avatar arkanoider arkanoider 65
avatar bilthon Bilthon 6
avatar yukibtc Yuki Kishimoto 2
avatar Catrya Catrya 1
avatar diazemiliano Emiliano Díaz 1
avatar cipherchabon Marcos Alejandro 1
avatar satoshisound SatoshiSound 1
avatar tincho70 Tincho 1
avatar shuoer86 anon 1

Data updated on: 2024-07-01 13:59 UTC