Latest Release

This release named by @s373nZ .

Please note: the reproducible build is currently non-deterministic due to the compilation step of the new clnrest plugin. We don't want that to hold up the release, however. The issue is known and will be addressed in a subsequent point release.

Highlights for users:

  • Channel backup turns our peers into watchtowers by now allowing your node to generate penalty transactions!
  • blacklisted runes can now be restored via relist.
  • xpay has many, many bugfixes, and is now almost seamlessly compatible when xpay-handle-pay is used.
  • lightning-cli has neater help output, and doesn't crash occasionally on xpay notifications.
  • setconfig does more safety checks and uses a separate "config.setconfig" file for runtime changes: you can also now set transient=true if you don't want the config files changed.
  • Fixed a bug where we would fail to collect our own funds if we force closed a channel we had leased with --experimental-dual-fund.

Highlights for the network:

  • Splicing: stricter checking for better interoperability with Eclair.

Highlights for developers:

  • clnrest is now a rust plugin.
  • listpeerchannels now contains fields their_max_htlc_value_in_flight and our_max_htlc_value_in_flight to better calculate channel limits.
  • New notifications plugin_stopped and plugin_started.
  • fetchinvoice now has BIP353 DNS payment instruction support.

Since 24.11.1, we had 261 commits in 76 days from 21 different authors, including three new ones: - Nishant Bansal - gudnuf - Erick λ

See the CHANGELOG for more details!

Thank you from the Core Lightning Team: @endothermicdev, @rustyrussell, @cdecker, @nepet, @ShahanaFarooqui, and @niftynei.

Data updated on: 2025-03-14 12:44 UTC